«Sustainable thinking companies should be the future!»
Wir haben während dem Lockdown einige Händler*innen gefragt, wie sich die besonderen Umstände sich auf ihr Geschäft ausgewirkt hat. Malin lebt in der Westschweiz und hat die Fragen in Englisch beantwortet.
Wie gestalten Sie jetzt Ihren Alltag in diesen Zeiten? Sind Sie im Home Office «angekommen»? Haben Sie ein paar Tipps für unsere Leser?
I am sharing the care of our kids with my husband so both of us right now only working 50% from home. As all my shops selling my products are closed and don’t order anything I mainly work on my new photography page and a little with the design of an office in Geneva but as the constructions are closed we are a bit on hold on that as well. It’s special times. With kids it’s hard to find time, but it’s important that everyone finds time for reflection. What does this mean? How do I contribute to less panic and a better world now and after this crisis. How can I rethink my business? How can i support my community. How can we as society raise and become stronger together and what is my contribution to that.
Wie erleben Sie den Zusammenhalt unter anderen (lokalen) Unternehmen? Sind Sie gut vernetzt?
From the shops selling my products I have only heard from a few and it’s very different if they are struggling a lot or a little.
For me not, as most of my sales is B2B. I did do some actions to redirect to online directly to customers but so far it didn’t give anything. If this situation will last long I will have to be more creative than that.
Können Sie die sozialen und ökologischen Ansprüche während der Krise aufrecht erhalten? Haben Sie sich Gedanken für nach der Krise gemacht?
Sustainability is and will be equally important for the future or even more so! We have to remember that with this crisis there are a lot of sad stories of death, unemployment, people loosing their business, and locked in people. But there are also stories of compassion, care for each other and less pollution to the planet.
Was wünschen Sie sich von der Faircustomer Community? Was wünschen Sie sich für die Zukunft?
I hope Faircustomer can still continue online with your business as all other retailers. Sustainable thinking companies should be the future. My wish is that how we come out of this is that we will appreciate our freedom and responsibilities more. I hope we will care more for each other and our planet. That we learn from this, change our lifestyle to avoid this situation again.
Thanks for your feedback. Happy, you are a part of the Faircustomer community… If you have experience about fairtrade and sustainable products in Switzerland, we’d be happy to share it.